Tuesday, April 3, 2012

"Lessons from an Island" at Archipelago Fine Arts Gallery

Henry Isaacs
"Lessons from an Island"

April 20th - June 22nd
Opening Reception - April 20th from 5:00-7:00pm
at The Island Institute
386 MAIN STREET ROCKLAND 207.596.0701

A portion of proceeds will be donated to the Outer Islands Teaching and Learning Collaborative

For more information visit:


Thursday, March 1, 2012

Notes on the Student Council Meeting for March 1st

Click the link below to view notes on the student council meeting!
Notes are for the meeting on March 1st.
Also, click on the comments tab at the top right corner to post and view the comments!

Friday, January 27, 2012

TLC Gaming Club

Hi everyone,
I'm doing a update on the TLC! This week we were talking about virtual gaming club through the Tanbergs at our Student Council Idea. The idea first came to be because the kids wanted a video game day. This idea was put down by the teachers quickly, but they said that we could do it after school. A couple days later one of my friends told me about some games that were on Skype but it didn't work. We then went to a site called Gamexn.net were we could play games like, Chess, Battle Ship, Checkers, Pool, and Black Jack. My brother then introduced this to the TLC and the kids voted to do it after school. Next Thursday my brother and I will teach the TLC how to get there and create a account. I am pretty excited!

Thank you for reading and here is the site for you to try out. :)

- Quinn from Monhegan!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Secret Santa Party

Sorry everyone for another large delay for the Outer Island School BLOG! The month of December flew by our heads and sooo much cool stuff was happening. One of the islands' favorite activities was the Secret Santa Party (which was organized by our very own Inter-Island Student Council!) !!!!

Yes we had a party through a video conferencing unit. How cool are we? Before I get to the partying let me explain how we did it. Each school picked another schools name out of a hat. No one knew who had them, but they knew who they were giving presents to. The rules were you couldn't spend over ten dollars. This forced all of us to be creative and make something. I cannot recall every little thing the schools made for each other, but it was an ingenious idea. All the schools had around two weeks to make, find, and send the presents. Another thing we couldn't forget to do was make sure each kid got something, this was crucial for the bigger schools. (cough) Islesford (cough).

Anyways, after we all got our packages we hooked up via video conferencing units. Names of islands were pulled out of a hat and Matinicus went first. So many things came out of every box that I can't recall what everybody got! Isle Au Haut went next, and Islesford came after that. Cliff opened there box and was followed up by Monhegan. Each box had something different for everyone. It was a successful Secret Santa Party.

But wait, we couldn't have ended without a dance party!!! We LOVE our dance parties!